DIY Dog Grooming Tutorials + Tips For Dealing With Shedding, Pet Stains, And Dog Odors

DIY dog grooming mostly includes a dog bath, clipping dog nails, brushing your dog's teeth and fur.

DIY dog grooming is important because your dog’s health is — directly and indirectly — influenced by how much time you devote to the process of caring for and cleaning your dog.

Yes, some dog breeds require more attention to grooming than others — but all dogs require some very basic grooming in order to maintain healthy teeth, ears, coat, skin, nails, and eyes.

So, just because you don’t have a long-haired dog or a dog with an overbite, don’t think that you don’t have to care for your dog’s fur or brush your dog’s teeth.

Even though your dog’s nails will naturally wear down a bit if he plays outside, a lot or goes on a lot of walks, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to trim your dog’s nails regularly.

Likewise, a dog’s ears and eyes must remain free of debris, allergens, and mites in order to avoid issues with hearing and eyesight.

You can choose professional dog grooming, or you can do it yourself. Here’s how much professional dog grooming costs.

DIY Dog Grooming Tips & Tutorials

A clean dog is a happy dog! Here are our best DIY dog grooming tips & tutorials.

Things like matted fur and decaying teeth & gums can lead to other dog health problems. Regular grooming goes a long way toward prolonging your dog’s life!

These are our best DIY dog grooming tips — if you don’t want to have your dog professionally groomed and prefer to do it yourself:

Oh, and dog bad breath can be remedied by putting an additive in your dog’s drinking water. BONUS: Here are 10 recipes for homemade dog breath treats!

Dog Odors, Pet Stains, And Fur Issues

Dog fur and odors tend to be a big problem for dog owners. Here are tips for keeping your house clean and odor-free when you have a dog.

Grooming your dog will take care of the odors, fur, and dirt on your dog.

You also need to take care of the odors, fur, and dirt that result around your dog. Your home will look and smell better. Your entire family (and your guests) will appreciate it!

Here are our best tips for dealing with dog odors and pet stains:

Things You Need To Know About Your Dog’s Body Parts

Following are some of the most important things you need to know about your dog’s fur & shedding, ears & hearing, eyes & eyesight, nails & paws, teeth & mouth

Why DIY Dog Grooming Is Important

The goal of every new dog owner should be to get your dog used to being touched in ways that will facilitate routine grooming and veterinary care — beginning in puppyhood and continuing all throughout their life. (These are called “dog husbandry behaviors”.)

Trust me, getting your dog comfortable with all the poking, prodding, and touching will definitely make grooming and vet visits much less stressful — for both you and your dog!

For example, if your dog can get used to these 3 things:

  1. You handling all parts of your dog’s body (face, mouth, ears, eyes, tongue, nose, limbs, paws, nails, belly, tail, fur, skin)
  2. You bending and gently manipulating your dog’s joints and extremities (paws, elbows, shoulders, hips, neck)
  3. You getting your dog to assume specific body positions on command (standing, sitting, laying on their side, laying belly up)

Then, all of these things will be so much easier:

Dog is chillin after a bath! There's more to dog grooming than just giving your dog a bath though - see how to clean and care for the rest of your dog's body parts!
  • Taking medicine
  • Getting ear drops (used when cleaning a dog’s ears), eye drops (for treating eye infections, dog allergies, and when cleaning a dog’s eyes and tear stains), nose drops (like the Bordetella inhaler vaccine)
  • Brushing teeth
  • Brushing fur
  • Clipping nails
  • Removing burrs, ticks, and insect stingers
  • Cleaning muddy paws
  • Standing still on the scale at the vet’s office
  • Putting on and wearing an e-collar after surgery, a hot spot, or other ailment where your dog is likely to lick
  • Being picked up — to put them in the car or on a veterinarian’s examination table
  • Veterinary visits in general

More DIY dog grooming tips!

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DIY Dog Grooming Tutorials

How to care for and clean your dog's ears, eyes, tongue, nose, limbs, paws, nails, belly, tail, skin, and fur!

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