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Dog Games & Activities

How do you mentally stimulate a dog? Here are fun ways to challenge dogs & keep them from getting bored! Homemade brain games + DIY dog games and activities

The Wicked Ball is one of the best interactive dog toys I've seen. It's 100% automatic, rolls & moves by itself, even turns itself ON &OFF! My dogs LOVE it.

21 fun places you can take your dog - for an afternoon, a weekend, or on vacation. From drive-thru's that hand out dog treats to dog summer camps!

How many of the tricks on this list of 101 Best Dog Tricks can your dog do? Does your dog perform any cool tricks that AREN'T on the list? I honestly can't imagine any that have been left off this list!

Interactive dog toys (or enrichment dog toys) provide a challenge for your dog. Their unique features keep your dog interested & having fun for hours! These are the best ones to start with -- use them to gauge your dog's interest and chewing behaviors before you buy a bunch of toys for your bored dog.

Check out this dog trying out his 'hiking boots' for the first time.


Have your dogs been eagerly awaiting the start of Football Season? Well, the time has come! Here's some good old fashioned dog play involving footballs of all sizes. Check out these pictures and videos of dogs playing with footballs...

Best thing about the "smart" Cheerble Wicked Ball for dogs is the fact that a dog can play with it for hours without the need for a human to re-start it!

Easy ways to prevent dog boredom! Here are 9 clever ways to keep your dog busy. See how to entertain your dog at home, indoors, outside, and while you’re at work.

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