Health & Wellness

If your dog has dry skin or dry flaky skin, it could be due to allergies. Two of the most common dog allergies are: dog food allergies and dog skin allergies. Here’s how to tell if your dog is allergic — by studying dog allergies symptoms. Plus an overview of which dog allergy treatments work best with dog skin issues. These home remedies for dry skin on dogs will help to alleviate the excessive itching and scratching once and for all!

My dog scratched all the time due to dog food allergies. Here's how to conduct your own affordable dog food trial and avoid a giant vet bill!

This dogs paws are red and swollen from constant licking due to allergies. photo by twodolla on Flickr

Dog allergies can be incredibly debilitating. Fortunately, there are several natural cures for dog allergies to help relieve your dog's allergy symptoms.

If your dog has dry skin, he's not alone. This is a common issue with dogs. See what our vet recommended -- it worked for us! Plus all the best dog dry skin home remedies.

Here are 5 dog skin conditions that can be passed on to humans. However, believe it or not, your dog can pass a skin condition to you without having the skin condition himself! Here's what you need to know about dog skin conditions.

Got doggy dry skin? Try an at home dog dry skin remedy! Here are a few simple things you can try. The one that seems to work best: olive oil.

Dogs are just as likely to suffer from allergies as people are. A dog's immune system reacts much like a human's immune system does. Here's what to look for to help you determine if your dog is suffering from allergies or not. If so, you'll want to get your dog to the vet immediately.

Dogs can have allergies just like a person can. In fact, many dogs have many of the exact same allergies as people do. Here's what to look for and how to treat dog food allergies, dog skin allergies, dog flea allergies, and dog inhalant allergies.

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