Toys & Activities

Fun stuff that anyone who’s a dog lover will enjoy! From dog ringtones and dog humor to dog photography tips and free dog scrapbook stuff! Plus, unique opportunities for dog lovers who simply enjoy helping lost or needy dogs.

Looking for the best dog gifts for yourself or a fellow dog lover? Here are 30+ clever gifts for dog owners. Helpful dog Christmas gifts they'll really use!

Do you love your dog?... Do you love your dog enough to marry him -- or her? Lots of people have married their pets... here's the latest buzz about pet weddings.

Want to make an extra $500 a month dog sitting? I'm a dog sitter sharing my best tips on how to make extra money by offering dog sitting services at home.

Love dogs? Want to do something to help abandoned animals and pet care facilities in your area? See what's on the wish list at your local animal shelter.

Here's how the personalities of various dog breeds are drastically different from one another. See how each breed of dog would respond to the question, 'How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?'

Found dog sign. photo by by Hotash on Flickr

Your first inclination may be to take a stray dog inside your home to immediately give him food and shelter. But that's not always the safest option. Here's what you SHOULD do if you find a stray dog.

Dog photography takes patience. But even amateur photographers like you and me who just want to take better pictures of our dogs can do these simple things!

Dog ringtones are a fun way to show you love dogs. One thing's for sure... they're definitely attention-getters. Here are the best barking dog ringtones and iPhone apps. You can even create your own dog ringtone!

These are Dog Lover Printables that can be use in scrapbooks, memory books or as greeting card decorations. They can even be used in a picture frame as a backdrop. This is your chance to be creative!...

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