Health & Wellness

Some dog health issues require surgery… which means you’re going to need to some ways to keep your dog calm AFTER surgery. Even if it’s just a simple dog spay or dog neuter procedure. Here, dog moms and veterinarians share the best ways to prepare your dog for surgery, how to keep your dog calm following surgery, and ways to speed up the recovery process! All the things I wish I knew after my dog’s TPLO knee surgery.

With my dogs, I've used a hard plastic cone collar and other "cone of shame" alternatives. Here are the best alternatives to Elizabethan collars for dogs.

See our favorite dog cone collar alternative.

Looking for a better dog e-collar cone for dogs? Try an inflatable dog collar. It worked great for us! My dog took to it much faster than a plastic dog cone collar.

We paid $2,500 for our dog's TPLO surgery to repair a torn ACL in his knee. Actually they replaced the ligament and cartlidge from our dog's knee with a metal plate and 6 screws. Here's how it went for us.

If your dog has an injury that requires bandages or a cast, then you need to keep that area completely dry. DIY waterproof cast covers & dog cast protectors

What follows is the somewhat interesting... somewhat comical... and somewhat informative story of Destin's anything-but-routine neutering. Or, what we like to call 'Destin's Double Ballsectomy'.