Health & Wellness

If your dog has been dealing with a specific health issue for awhile and the end is near OR your dog is older and it won’t be long now… we’ve got some great tips to help you prepare for your dog’s last days. Everything you want to know about dog euthanasia, pet burials, and ways to create a lasting dog memorial for your pet.

How do veterinarians euthanize a dog? What's the process like? I've had 2 dogs put to sleep recently - here's what it was like. From the perspective of someone who's been through it several times with her own dogs and who's also learned a lot while working in a vet's office.

Preparing for the death of a pet isn't easy, but time with your aging dog is dwindling. That day WILL come. Here's how to plan now for your dog's last days.

If your dog passes away at home, you have 3 options: vet, crematorium, burial. Here's what you need to know about cremating or burying a dog.

A dog memorial is a great way to memorialize your dog after he has passed on. The best part: you can make your own dog memorial any way you want to.

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