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Costs & Expenses For Dog Owners

Find A Mobile Vet: See what receiving pet care from a mobile vet who makes house calls is like, a list of services they provide, and how much it costs.

How do veterinarians euthanize a dog? What's the process like? I've had 2 dogs put to sleep recently - here's what it was like. From the perspective of someone who's been through it several times with her own dogs and who's also learned a lot while working in a vet's office.

The true cost of owning a dog - in hard dollars. Plus, how to save money on dog costs from the day you bring your new puppy home. Got a new dog? Start here!

Is a different formula used in 3-year Rabies vaccines versus 1-year Rabies vaccines? Is the 3-year Rabies vaccination dose larger & more dangerous for dogs?

Tax experts reveal actual dog related tax deductions for dog foster parents, dog breeders, guard dog owners, Instagram influencers, and MORE! Plus some funny dog write-off stories, too.

Wondering how to get help with vet bills? The Brown Dog Foundation is my favorite in TN. See this list of organizations that help pay vet bills by state.

According to veterinarians, when is it time to euthanize a dog? I worked for vet AND had 2 of my own dogs put to sleep recently. I can help you get through this difficult time.

Local laws dictate what to do if you hit someone's pet with your car. Most people don't know the law. Here's what you MUST do if you hit a dog with your car

Everything you need to know about Shih Tzu grooming: how often to do it, Pro vs DIY grooming costs, Shih Tzu grooming tools & Shihtzu grooming issues: tear staining, shedding, eye infections, and ear infections.