Articles Tagged:

Humanizing Dogs

dog age facts found on computer

To figure the human equivalent of a dog's age, just add 7 to each year that your dog has been alive, right? Wrong! Here's how to determine your dog's physical age AND your dog's mental age in the MOST accurate way -- like veterinarians do.

Photos of dogs riding on motorcycles... at fast speeds! I never thought I'd see this in person - but I did. If dog motorcycle riding is your thing, please invest in a trailer for the dog!

Tax experts reveal actual dog related tax deductions for dog foster parents, dog breeders, guard dog owners, Instagram influencers, and MORE! Plus some funny dog write-off stories, too.

Want to dye your dog's fur a different color? The safest dog hair dye is food coloring (juice from colorful foods or organic food coloring). Here's how to do it


Human Food Safe For Dogs - The ultimate list of 22 human foods NOT safe for dogs + 70 foods you CAN give your dog according to pet experts! Plus, what you should know if you decide to offer table scraps or people food to your dog.

Do you love your dog?... Do you love your dog enough to marry him -- or her? Lots of people have married their pets... here's the latest buzz about pet weddings.

Canine intelligence & dog language: The words and commands from human language that a dog knows. Here are the phrases my dog understands and what they mean.

Have you ever wondered if your dog is actually watching TV with you? The fact is dog eyesight is different from human eyesight, so dogs see images on television differently than we do.

It's amazing how many dog & people similarities really do exist. That's right, for many of the things that we do as humans, there's an equivalent behavior in the dog world. Here are lots of interesting similarities between dogs and people.

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