Proof that a dog collar & dog tags can get caught on things and STRANGLE your dog. It happened to me! Types of dog collars to stay away from + Safe ones.
Looking for the best dog gifts for yourself or a fellow dog lover? Here are 30+ clever gifts for dog owners. Helpful dog Christmas gifts they'll really use!
How I avoided Littermate Syndrome raising 2 puppies at the same time. Extra things you need to pay attention to + Products that make raising 2 dogs easier.
The Bristly brushing stick is a chew toy that functions as a toothbrush for dogs. See 10 things I like about this dog toothbrush toy + 3 things I don't.
Photos of dogs riding on motorcycles... at fast speeds! I never thought I'd see this in person - but I did. If dog motorcycle riding is your thing, please invest in a trailer for the dog!
A pet brush that works great on ALL dogs is the Furminator deShedding tool. I've used the Furminator for dogs since 2008. My Furminator dog brush review.
It's hard to outwit a smart dog that's determined to get in the garbage. The best dog proof trash cans you can buy OR make + Tips for keeping your dog out of the garbage!
I use the iBuddy dog cargo cover / dog car hammock to protect my SUV from dog fur, drool, toenail marks. See how I also use it as a dog cargo kennel -- and why I love it!