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New Dog Owner Tips

Dog ID tags from Providence Engraving on Amazon are the BEST! Colors (9). Shapes (7). Price (<$5). Text (front & back). Ratings (70,000 5-star reviews!).

How I avoided Littermate Syndrome raising 2 puppies at the same time. Extra things you need to pay attention to + Products that make raising 2 dogs easier.

All puppies nip and bite at hands, feet, ankles. See the #1 reason you should not allow this behavior any more + How to stop a puppy from nipping & biting.

A puppy is never too young to learn basic dog commands. Start puppy training the day you bring your new dog home and use these 5 basic dog commands.

The true cost of owning a dog - in hard dollars. Plus, how to save money on dog costs from the day you bring your new puppy home. Got a new dog? Start here!

How often do you feed a puppy? How often does a puppy need to go outside to potty? See how to create a puppy potty schedule & feeding schedule for your dog.

I’ve researched the 27 cities and 20 states that appear on 5 lists of dog friendly cities to help you decide if you want to move or travel there with your dog!

Easy ways to prevent dog boredom! Here are 9 clever ways to keep your dog busy. See how to entertain your dog at home, indoors, outside, and while you’re at work.

Managing A Multi-Dog Household: Pros & Cons of having two dogs. Tips for introducing, feeding, walking, sleeping, crating, and training multiple dogs. How to get dogs to get along when you're raising two dogs together!

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