Articles Tagged:

New Dog Owner Tips

Is changing a dog's name ok? Can you change a dog's name at any age? See when you SHOULD rename a dog & when you SHOULDN'T. What to do BEFORE renaming a dog,. HOW to change a dog's name. How to get your dog to LEARN its name quickly!

Most crate training guides overlook the challenges that you're likely to face when crate training a dog. Here are some important things I've learned about crate training dogs. I did it differently with my first dog (Labrador) than I did with my second dog (French Bulldog). See 10 mistakes I've made when crate training dogs -- and how to avoid making those same mistakes.

The first thing you need is a puppy training collar (or dog harness) and a dog leash. Here's how to choose the best dog training collar & dog training lead for leash walking.

I've always had dogs. My dogs have never chewed my things. Here's how to teach your dog what's his and what's yours - what he can chew on & what he can't.

Katz on Dogs is one of the best dog training books. It addresses all of the questions a new dog owner would have - whether it's your 1st dog or your 5th!

With 3 dogs over the past 20+ years, I've had a lot of dog bowls! Now I want something more stylish & modern that will look nice in our master bathroom. I found 'em!...


Whether you buy a dog house or build a dog house, there are lots of types, sizes & styles to choose from. Dog house ideas from practical, to fun, to fancy!


Your dog needs to be on a schedule so he knows when he's going outside, when he's going to eat, and when he's expected to sleep. Here's how to get your dog to adapt to a daily routine.

Since most lost dogs end up in shelters where they are either adopted or euthanized, it's important to microchip your dog in order to prevent this from happening to your dog AND to make it easier for you to be reunited with your dog should you ever become separated.