Here is some good information to read before you decide to get a new puppy — whether it be a rescued dog that you think you’ll be helping or a new puppy from a pet store, a friend, or a breeder…
Why Dogs End Up In Shelters:
- Moving
- Landlord issues
- Cost of pet maintenance
- No time for pet
- Inadequate facilities
- Too many pets in home
- Pet illness
- Personal problems
- Biting
- No homes for littermates
A Little About The Cats & Dogs In Shelters
- 60% of dogs are euthanized each year in animal shelters.
- Shelter intakes are about evenly divided between those dogs that are relinquished by owners and those that are picked up by animal control.
- Only 15% to 20% of dogs are returned to their owners. Most of those are identified with tags, tattoos or microchips.
- Of all the dogs that enter animal shelters, 25% are purebred.
- Only 10% of the dogs received by shelters have been spayed or neutered.
- The majority of pets are obtained by shelters from acquaintances and family members. (15% to 20% of those are purchased from breeders; 10% to 20% are adopted from shelters and rescues).
- 5 out of 10 dogs in shelters are destroyed simply because there is no one to adopt them.
Source: ASPCA
More About Dogs & Animal Shelters
- Want to help your local animal shelter?… Here are some items that they need.
- Can’t afford the vet bills? Here are some organizations that might help.
- Here’s how to prevent your dog from getting lost and ending up in an animal shelter.
- More about abandoned dogs left behind after foreclosures.
- How to keep your dog safe during a storm so he doesn’t become separated from you.
- The pros and cons of renting a dog first.
- How to introduce 2 dogs so they’ll live happily ever after… together.
Here are some more great tips for new dog owners.