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Spay And Neuter Dog Questions

With my dogs, I've used a hard plastic cone collar and other "cone of shame" alternatives. Here are the best alternatives to Elizabethan collars for dogs.

See our favorite dog cone collar alternative.

Looking for a better dog e-collar cone for dogs? Try an inflatable dog collar. It worked great for us! My dog took to it much faster than a plastic dog cone collar.

Pyometra, a serious infection of the uterus, is a potentially deadly condition that affects unspayed female dogs. Symptoms & treatment for pyometra in dogs.

Get answers to your dog questions right away -- online -- from verified pet experts. What's your dog question?

Thinking of adopting a dog? Here are the top 10 reasons dogs end up in shelters, plus some interesting facts about dogs in animal shelters.

What follows is the somewhat interesting... somewhat comical... and somewhat informative story of Destin's anything-but-routine neutering. Or, what we like to call 'Destin's Double Ballsectomy'.

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