Tricks & Training

How To Train A Dog To Stop Barking At The Doorbell


Does your dog bark when she hears the doorbell ring?

Is it driving you nuts?

You’re not the only dog owner to experience this.

Let’s face it, it’s a natural reaction for your dog to bark at the doorbell — because she’s learned over time that the doorbell ringing means someone is at the door.

And, most likely, someone at the door mean she gets to interact with someone new.

Here’s how you can train your dog to stop barking every time the doorbell rings


How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking

The general idea here is to desentitize your dog to the doorbell — over time.

Keep practicing this with friends and any time someone new comes to your door.

Just know that it will take some time before your dog no longer barks whenever the doorbell rings, so consistency and patience are in order.

Your primary goals are to:

  • Make it clear what you expect of your dog every time the doorbell rings.
  • Make it worth the effort for her to follow your instructions and do what you ask of her.

If you do those 2 things, then eventually, you will not have to give your dog any incentive to back away from the door and remain quiet each time, because she will know what to do instinctively every time the doorbell rings.


Train Your Dog To Stop Barking At The Doorbell

#1Choose a word that you will always use to get your dog’s attention when the doorbell rings.

Here’s how:

  • Make sure you pick a word that you don’t use often use when speaking to your dog — such as hush, or quiet, or shhhhh.
  • Now, since this word only applies to times when the doorbell rings, you can begin to teach your dog what you expect of her whenever you say it. Whenever you say that word, you want her to sit quietly.
  • Just remember to reward your dog as soon as she stops barking. If she stops barking as soon as you say the specific word and you give her a treat, then she will learn that not barking at the doorbell means she gets rewarded!
  • Eventually, just using the word will work, but at first it’s best to give something — like a treat — to motivate her to listen to you.


#2.  Ignore the unwanted behavior and praise the good behavior.

Here’s how:

  • Ask a friend to assist you by ringing the doorbell and waiting.
  • When your dog barks the first time the doorbell rings, don’t follow her to door to see who’s there. (Ignore that behavior.) Instead, sit and wait calmly until she stops barking. When she stops barking, praise her and give her a treat.
  • Next, call your dog over to you (or to a specific spot in the room), and ask her to sit. Immediately, get up and go to the door yourself. If she follows you, then go back and sit down; and instruct her to go back to her spot.
  • Don’t actually open the door until she learns to stay seated where you’ve asked her to sit… and remain quiet. Finally, open the door. If your dog gets up to greet the person, have your friend so outside again (instead of petting or greeting your dog).
  • Keep doing this until your dog learns to stay seated quietly and waits for your permission to greet the person at the door.
  • Repeat this process as much as possible until your dog understands.


This video shows how to do most of the steps mentioned above:



More Dog Barking Tips

Dog Barking: How To Get Your Dog To Quiet Down

How To Keep Your Dog Calm When The Doorbell Rings

Quick & Dirty Tips To End Barking At The Door

How To Improve Your Dog’s Front Door Manners



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