Toys & Activities

Ugly Sweater Syndrome Appeals To Cat & Dog Lovers, Too

Pet lovers are certainly not immune from the Ugly Sweater phenomenon!

Have a holiday party coming up? You may (or may not) want to wear one of these…

Check out these sweaters for the dog owners and cat owners out there.

Warning… you’ll either love ’em or you’ll hate ’em.

Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

There’s a whole lot of cat love goin’ on here…

cat-wreath-holiday-sweater.jpgFor the foo-foo dog lover…

dog-christmas-sweater-for-dog-lovers.jpegFor the over-the-top cat lover…

cat-christmas-sweater-for-cat-lovers.jpegAwe c’mon. It’s all in good fun.

Here’s more about Ugly Sweater parties.

Check out these hot picks for Ugly Sweaters this season.