News About Paris Hilton And Her Dog Tinkerbell

Here’s some Paris Hilton news, as it relates to her dog, Tinkerbell


Some Headlines Featuring Paris Hilton And Tinkerbell:

Paris Hilton uses ‘Tinkerbell’ as password and gets hacked.

tinkerbell-hilton-diaries-book.jpgParis Hilton now designs doggie jewelry …who knew?!

Dog magazine names Paris Hilton worst dog owner.

Mutt Wars: Britney Spears vs Paris Hilton.

The Paris Hilton Collection of fashionable dog clothing called “Little Lily”.

Listen to Bud Light’s Real Men of Genius commercial “Mr. Tiny Dog Clothing Manufacturer” & check out more doggie clothing.

Rumor: Did Paris Hilton give Tinkerbell to her mother in exchange for an even smaller dog, Bambi?

The The Paris Hilton Collection sold exclusively at includes this adorable crystal doggie collar:

paris-hilton-crystal-dog-collar.jpg dog-wearing-paris-hilton-dog-collar.jpgparis-hilton-tinkerbell-dog.jpg

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