Toys & Activities

The Lowest Prices For Dog Kong Toys Online!

dog-kong-toy-with-dog-treats.jpg I don’t know about where you live…

But around here, I can pretty much find Kong dog toys in stores everywhere I look… but I can’t find them for under $9.99!

It seems that $9.99 is the going rate in stores these days for a regular-sized classic red Kong toy.

Good news!

I found some great low prices on classic red Kongs from reputable places on the Internet…

The best part: They’ll beat anyone’s price on the ‘Net! You cannot find better prices (or better guarantees!) on dog stuff than you’ll find at
Here’s the classic red Kong toy at

The best part: Everyone’s familiar with Amazon. Most people (including me!) choose as their online retailer of choice. So, it’s quick & easy to add a Kong toy to your current order.
Here’s the classic red Kong toy at