Articles Tagged:

Teeth Tongue Mouth Issues In Dogs

The best horns for dog chews + Everything you need to know about goat horns and buffalo horns for dogs to chew on!

Wondering which are the best antlers for dogs? Here are the pros and cons of antlers for dogs, how to soften them, and the best place to buy them.

The Best Raw Bones For Dogs - A list of safe dog bones for chewing that are the least likely to splinter. Get them from a butcher, grocery store, or online!

Have a senior dog? Here are the most common health problems in older dogs that you need to be aware of. How to prepare for your senior dog’s final years healthwise.

Everything you need to know about Shih Tzu grooming: how often to do it, Pro vs DIY grooming costs, Shih Tzu grooming tools & Shihtzu grooming issues: tear staining, shedding, eye infections, and ear infections.

My dog's first experience with Mercola Healthy Pets Treats. We tried the large Dental Bones and the Gentle Dental Bones. My dog LOVES these dental chews!

Get answers to your dog questions right away -- online -- from verified pet experts. What's your dog question?


If your dog's tongue sticks out all the time, it can become dry, cracked & painful for your dog. Here's how to make sure your dog's tongue stays in good condition.


I've tried dog mints in the past - but they didn't work. I found a dog mouthwash (Dental Fresh drinking water additive) that got rid of my dog's bad breath!