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Cats And Dogs Together

Acceptable household medications for pets according to vets. Before giving your dog medication, see the correct dose on this list of medicine safe for dogs.

Love dogs? Want to do something to help abandoned animals and pet care facilities in your area? See what's on the wish list at your local animal shelter.

Here's how the personalities of various dog breeds are drastically different from one another. See how each breed of dog would respond to the question, 'How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?'

If you have a new puppy and won't be able to take him out to pee and poop often enough, consider a dog litter box to help make housetraining easier. Our 2 Beagle pups love the doggie litter box. It definitely made housebreaking a smoother process in our home!

Dog owners and pet lovers are certainly not immune from the Ugly Sweater phenomenon! Have a holiday party coming up? You may -- or may not -- want to wear one of these...

With as little as 1 ounce of your dog's fur -- acquired when brushing your pet -- Furever Creations will spin that fur into a personalized item of your choosing. What better way to memorialize your beloved dog?

Enjoy the following pictures of dogs in all their glory - fast asleep and minding their own business!

This 'You Are So Beautiful' video features a cat and a dog making friends... sort of.

Tristan is the proud new owner of a 6-month-old Jack Russell Terrier!