Rent A Dog? The Pros & Cons Of Renting Dogs

by Regina

Adopting/Rescuing A Dog, Costs & Expenses For Dog Owners

If you love dogs but for some reason cannot have one, you may want to consider renting a dog.

But wait, should you really rent a dog?

Is it humane to rent a dog?


Advocates say you could be helping give abandoned dogs a new home.

Nay-sayers squawk that it’s inhumane and emotionally distressing for the dogs being rented.

What do you think?

Let’s explore some of the pros and cons of renting a dog (or dog sharing)…


Reasons To Rent A Dog

Should you be completely deprived of 4-legged companionship only because you’re unable to have a dog of your own?

Of course not.

There are lots of good reasons that you, or someone you know, may want to temporarily rent a dog:

  • It’s possible that you have a spouse or child with allergies, maybe the building you live in doesn’t allow dogs, maybe you travel, or it could be that you have demanding work hours… but of course you deserve the joys of a dog, don’t you?
  • Another great reason to rent a dog is to find out if you really have what it takes to care for one.
  • Often times, families may decide they want a dog, or the kids may ask for one without really understanding what all goes into caring for a dog. Renting a dog for a few days can give you and your kids a way to discover if you really want a dog.
  • Also, many of the rental places that do exist have dogs that have been rescued from shelters, and the hope is that one of the renters will decide that they want to permanently adopt the dog they’ve been renting.
  • This can be a great way to save some shelter dogs from being euthanized.
  • It’s also a great way for people to find out about how owning a dog would be before actually taking one full-time — which ultimately prevents people from returning dogs to the shelter as well!

The Nay-Sayers Against Renting Dogs

  • There are those who do not advocate renting dogs, including some veterinarians who are concerned about the dog’s emotional well-being when being rented out to different people.
  • The possibility of a dog bonding with one of the renters so strongly that it is damaged emotionally when returned is a concern.
  • However, since the goal is that eventually one of the renters will decide to adopt the dog they are renting, and since one company called FlexPetz says they usually only rent a dog for no longer than 90 days before it’s adopted into a permanent home tells me this is a far better situation than a dog being in a shelter waiting to be adopted, and possibly being euthanized if not adopted.




How To Rent A Dog

So, how do you actually go about renting a dog?

Here are some points to keep in mind.

  1. Take into account the fact that dog rental can be a controversial subject for some people. There will be those who if they find out you are renting a dog will think that is just horrible and maybe even that you are a horrible person for doing so. Only you can make the decision to rent a dog or not to.
  2. Check online to see if there are any dog rental places in your city or town. Be aware that for the most part these types of businesses are in big urban areas, and so if you live in a smaller town there is the possibility that you may not find a business locally.
  3. Be prepared to spend some dough. FlexPetz charges about $1500 a year and insists that renters have the dog of their choice a couple of times a month. They also have a class where you learn how to handle the dog you rent and dogs in general which has to be paid for, and there are late fees if you return a dog late. The current late fee is $75, which can add up for sure.
  4. Be particular about the breed of dog that you rent. If you live in a small apartment, renting a large breed dog probably isn’t going to work. Neither you nor the dog will be happy because he will not have enough room to move around, and if he is rambunctious because of this, he could break things. So, choose your breed and size of the dog you rent wisely.
  5. Petproof your home before bringing your doggie buddy home. Make sure you put away any chemicals or other things that would be poison to the dog, as well as, putting away breakables and other things like shoes that a dog might be tempted to chew on.
  6. One thing to keep in mind is that your dog will come with all the supplies he needs. The place you rent from will in most cases provide food, a leash, collar, and toys for your doggie buddy. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a few toys of your own at home for him, but understand that in most cases you won’t have to purchase these.
  7. If you can’t find a dog rental place near where you live, consider calling your local shelters and animal rescue programs and seeing if they loan out dogs for a few days at a time. You may find that they do, and could be cheaper than actually having to pay to rent a dog.
  8. Understand that you may become attached to the dog you rent and want to keep him. If this happens discuss it with the dog rental place, or with the shelter or animal rescue that you rented your dog from. In many cases this is just what the temporary owner’s have been hoping for and will be more than happy to give the dog to a permanent home.