Dog Care 101

What To Put In A Pet First Aid Kit + How To Get Emergency Help For Your Dog FAST!

dog-first-aid-kit-by-AMagill.jpg If you’ve got a dog, then you need a pet first aid kit.

Keep a first aid safety kit on hand at home and in your car. Take the one from your car with you when you travel with your pet. Source

You don’t have to buy one though. You can make your own!

Here’s what should go in a first aid kit for your dog…


Better Safe Than Sorry!

Remember, a first aid kit will most likely be used by you to help your dog in an emergency situation.

But… if you should become incapacitated while you’re out with your dog, then the supplies and information in your pet first aid kit will help others to save your life and tend to your dog’s injuries at the same time.

That’s why it’s important to include a detailed information card with your dog’s personal info like: birth date, weight, drug allergies, physical limitations, sensitivities, and temperament, as well as your own name, address and phone numbers.

Now, onto the specific items that you should keep in your dog’s first aid kit.

What To Include In A Pet First Aid Kit

TIP: Here’s a list of safe human medications — a few of which you might want to put in your pet first aid kit. They could come in handy when you’re traveling, camping, or away from home and your dog gets stung by a bee, gets diarrhea, or something that’s uncomfortable, but not necessarily life-threatening.

TIP: If the dog’s front or rear legs are hurt, place a towel under their belly and lift the 2 ends of the towel together like a purse handle to lift those legs off the ground, while the dog walks on his good legs. We had to do this to get our dog up and down stairs after leg surgery.)

  • Spare nylon leash – in case your dog’s own leash gets caught or breaks in an emergency situation.
  • Dog treats – a small vacuum-sealed pack of treats can be used to lure your dog away from danger. If they’re vacuum-sealed, then they’ll smell really strong and get your dog’s attention right away. My favorite are Biljac liver treats — especially the small bags of Little Jacs.

Do I Really Have To Include All Those Things?

In the end, what you ultimately decide to include in your dog’s first aid kit is completely up to you.

Here’s an incredibly inclusive list of things to include in a pet first aid kit — which would be great if you have the space for all of those things. If not, then the bare minimums listed above should suffice.

For comparison’s sake, here are the items that a veterinarian recommends keeping in a pet first aid kit.

As you can see, there is some overlap. At the same time, it’s clear that there is no single standard list of supplies that should be included in a pet first aid kit.

It’s up to you, your pet, the space you have in your dog first aid kit, and the extent to which you want to prepare.

For example, if you’ll be away from home for a long time, the you probably want to prepare for just about every emergency under the sun. But if you’ll be close to home (and a vet!), then you don’t need to go to such lengths.

What You Need To Know In An Emergency…