Trying to catch a loose dog is never fun.
Most people would try and catch a loose dog by the collar.
If you have a small dog, that’s harder to do than if you have a big dog.
For example, I have 2 Min Pins, and when one gets out it’s not fun trying to reach for her collar.
She’s so small, and close to the ground, and very hard to reach in a hurry.
Believe it or not, there is a way you can teach a small dog — or even a big dog — to be caught!
A big dog is pretty simple.
The goal is to teach him to want to be caught by his collar.
The reason you have to train your dog to be caught by his collar is simply the fact that most dogs panic whenever someone grabs their collar. The training will show your dog that it’s okay — even rewarding — to be grabbed by the collar.
For a small dog, you can teach him to be caught by simply grabbing for him or by placing his chin in your hand, which makes it easier to immediately grab his collar.
When training your dog to be caught remember that if your dog loses interest, becomes fearful, aroused, or mouthy, then you need to stop immediately. It means that you are moving too quickly.
Also, you will want to keep your dog off the leash while teaching him to be caught. So make sure you’re in a fenced in yard or other large area that’s enclosed. You want your loose dog to cooperate 100% on his own — without feeling trapped or defensive. A large open space is best for this.
The following video demonstrates how to teach a smaller dog and a bigger dog to be caught, plus how to lead a bigger dog by his collar.
How To Teach A Small Dog It’s Okay To Be Grabbed
- Start by bringing your hand towards the small dog. Give praise. Give a treat.
- Reach for your small dog. Give praise. Give a treat.
- Use both hands to reach for your small dog. Give praise. Give a treat.
- Keep doing this until you are able to use both hands to grab your dog.
How To Teach A Small Dog To Rest His Chin In Your Hand
- Put your small dog’s chin in your hand. Give praise. Give a treat. Do this a few times.
- Pretend to have a treat and place it in your open hand. Once your dog goes to look at it in your open hand, give praise. Then give a treat.
- Hold the treat further up on the arm of your opened hand. Once your dog puts his chin in your hand to sniff the treat, give praise. Then give a treat.
- See if your dog will offer his chin in your hand himself. If he does, give praise. Then give a treat.
- Hide your treat hand. Offer your open hand. Once your dog puts his chin in your open hand, give praise. Then give a treat.
How To Teach A Big Dog To Be Grabbed By The Collar And Led By His Collar
- Reach toward your dog. Give praise. Give a treat. Do this a few times.
- Touch your dog’s collar. Give praise. Give a treat. Keep doing this until you are able to physically grab his collar.
- Stand up and practice grabbing his collar from higher above your dog. Don’t forget to praise and give treats.
- Try approaching your dog and grabbing his collar at the same time. Give praise. Give a treat.
- When you’re able to grab your dog’s collar, you will want to have his collar in your hand and give a little pressure. This will get your dog used to being led by his collar.
Here is the video demonstrating these tips.
Teaching your dog to be caught will be helpful, but you really should look into teaching your dog the stay command. Teaching your dog to stay will aid in helping you catch your dog more quickly should he ever become a loose dog again.