Toys & Activities

Pictures Of Dogs Wearing Fun Bling: Dog Necklaces & Dog Bandanas

I don’t usually put doggie bling — like dog clothing & accessories — on my dog.

But we recently got a dog bandana as a hand-me-down from someone on Freecycle. And I have to be honest, I didn’t realize just how practical doggie neckwear could be!

This particular bandana has a velcro closure to keep it on securely, and it’s got a reflective border that’s great for night walks.

Made of fleece, it’s slightly thicker than a a regular dog bandana. So on cool nights, it can provide just the right amount of warmth for a small to medium-sized dog.

I kinda like it.

What do you think?…

tenor-wearing-neck-bandana.jpg glow-in-the-dark-neck-bandana.jpg

Dog Necklaces & Bandanas For Dogs


This is Lucy, a miniature Dashchund friend of ours, sporting some fancy new doggie bling…
A miniature dachshund wearing doggie bling. photo by Lynnette at



Bandanas make a dog look very handsome, don’t you think?…

Dog wearing a red bandanna. photo by shoothead on Flickr



Here we have a dog modeling all the best in gangsta bling…

Gangsta dog wearing gold necklace. photo by istolethetv on Flickr


This hunting dog is sporting a mighty fine red bandana…

A hunting dog wearing a red bandanna. photo by charkesw on Flickr



Awe sweet! A handmade necklace made of fresh flowers strung together…

Dog wearing a necklace made of fresh flowers. photo by sjdunphy on Flickr


Are you curious where I got this great pink bandana?…

Curious dog wearing a pink bandanna. photo by wolfsavard on Flickr



Doggie formal attire includes some fancy neckwear…

Dog wearing fun doggy bling for a formal pet party. photo by sailorbill on Flickr


Things are looking pretty good up here — including my fancy new red bandana!…

Mountain dog wearing a red bandanna. photo by 4Neus on Flickr



When one is not enough, a dog sometimes needs two necklaces!…

A dog wearing 2 necklaces. photo by tanakawho on Flickr



Let’s hear it for the girls!… Dog necklaces for dogs of all sizes.