Treat yourself to a digital painting that looks like real hand-painted art — at only a fraction of the cost.
All you need is a digital photo of your dog to create a lasting memory of your favorite four-legged friend!
This is a one-of-a-kind special gift — for yourself or someone else.
For over 25 years, the Pet Photo Artist has been creating digital works of art for business and pleasure.
In addition to making great gifts, they’re also popular as pet memorials. A portrait like this makes a great remembrance of your beloved dog.
We use the most advanced computer techniques to bring out the absolute best in every photo or picture you have. We literally use “digital paint” and stir in some creative know-how, to make sure you end up with a fabulous portrait that everyone will rave about!
How It Works:
- They work their “magic” on your digital photo.
- Typically within 24 to 48 hours, they send the final print-ready digital file to you via e-mail.
- You take that digital image to your preferred photo store for professional printing.
- If you wish, you could also print it yourself if you have a quality photo printer, however, they offer a number of other great recommendations that will result in a truly professional portrait of your dog.
Need Some Ideas?
To get an idea of how professional and realistic these portraits look, check out their Dog Portrait Galleries:
Dog Portrait Gallery #1 (Click on one of the PICTURES of a dog …there are 8 to choose from here.)
Dog Portrait Gallery #2 (Click on one of the PICTURES of a dog …there are 8 to choose from here.)
How To Order
1. First pick the style you’d like from Portrait Gallery #1 or #2 above. (For the ultimate number of choices, you can also select styles from their other galleries as well: Horse Portraits, Cat Portraits, Dog Pop Art, Funny Dogs, Cat Pop Art, or Funny Cats).
2. Then upload a picture of your dog here and complete the form specifying the details and size you want your finished print to be.
We are extremely proud of the quality work we do. In fact, if we don’t feel that we can do an amazing job, we always advise our customers that they should re-submit a different photo or pick another style. If, however, you are unhappy with the final art or portrait work you have ordered from us, we will gladly give you a complete refund – no questions asked. Try us out, you have absolutely nothing to lose.
Got Questions?
First, check out these testimonials from people who’ve already received their pet portraits.
If you still have questions, check out their FAQ.