Health & Wellness

Have a sick dog or a specific dog health question? Dog moms and experts share their personal and professional experiences with dog health issues. Lots of home remedies and tips from veterinarians to help your dog get better… fast! Your dog’s overall health and wellness depends 100% on you. Check these important warnings and updates that could affect your dog. Plus a slew of dangerous pet predicaments to avoid at all costs! Not sure where to begin

Start here –> Dog Health & Safety 101.


If you haven't already, I encourage you to program the phone number of an emergency care center in your cellphone now. You never know when you might need a little after-hours care or advice.

My sad tribute to our dog, Destin, who left this world way too soon. He was a good dog who did a lot of good dog things.

There's no better resource for a dog owner than a veterinarian's blog. Not only are vet blogs filled with little-known facts and behind-the-scenes info that few are privy to... Vet blogs also show the personal character, fortitude, and never ending love for animals that veterinarians have, day in and day out. These are the best vet blogs... ever! I refer to them often for their professional expertise and personal opinions.

Need some reasons to pick up poop? Here's a whole list of health reasons & why it's important to pick up your dog's poop! Plus, tips that make picking up dog poop even easier.

Dogs can benefit from the healing and uplifting properties of aromatherapy, exactly as humans do! That's why pet aromatherapy is such a hot topic these days. Whether you've just got a moody dog, or you're dealing with some serious behavior issues, aromatherapy could be the perfect answer. Here's how to use aromatherapy with your dog...

For dogs that become anxious or nervous whenever they hear loud noises -- such as lightning, thunder, fireworks -- or dogs that experience anxiety whenever they're traveling, being groomed, or at the vet, there are a number of simple and good-smelling things you can do... Dog aromatherapy is famous for its calming effect on dogs... and their owners!

Wondering what the differences are among all the different flea and tick preventatives on the market? I have firsthand experience using 3 of them -- Frontline Plus, K9 Advantix and Advantage -- and I review each of them here...

If your dog has an injury that requires bandages or a cast, then you need to keep that area completely dry. DIY waterproof cast covers & dog cast protectors

Emergencies happen when you least expect them. Take the time to prepare now so your pet sitter AND your vet will know how to handle an emergency, in the event that you're out of town and your dog needs help.