A word to the wise: Even breeds that “don’t shed” actually do shed. They just don’t shed as much.
The best way to lessen the amount of dog fur around your house is to simply brush your dog more. That way, you’re catching most of your dog’s fur in the pet brush, rather then picking it all up later… around your house.
Which is the best flooring when you have dogs?… Hardwood? Tile? Carpet? I would definitely say smooth surfaces (hardwoods & tiling) are better than carpeted surfaces for repelling dog fur. While we haven’t made the switch to all-smooth surface flooring yet (that’ll be in our next home!), we currently have half carpet and half hardwood in our home… and without a doubt, the carpet is the most difficult to keep free of pet hair!
- What to do when the right dog is totally the wrong color.
- Check out the facts vs myths with regard to dog fur.
- I’ve heard that some people mix a teaspoon of olive oil in their dog’s food every day to keep the dog’s skin from drying and reduce shedding.
- Shedding is a natural process. Here’s how to manage the shedding process… making it easier for you and your dog.
Check out these great tips for dealing with your dog’s shedding problem and how to remove pet hair from all your stuff!