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Toenails And Paws

Wondering what that little metal bar on the side a claw-type nail trimmer for dogs is for? It's a safety stop! (A nail quick sensor.) Here's how to use it.

When a dog's gotta go, a dog's gotta go! Sometimes it's necessary to let the dog outside even when it's raining. Here are all my best tips for dogs with muddy paws & smelly fur.

Soft Claws nail caps are vinyl nail tips that you place over your dog's toenails to prevent scratching -- hardwood floors, your dog's own skin, other people. They are completely safe, painless and humane. They do not hurt the dog in any way. Here's why Soft Claws are great for dogs!

Here are some funny pictures of dogs celebrating Mardi Gras-- I mean Muddi Gras -- by getting dirty and playing in the mud! Plus the BEST tips for dealing with muddy paws... 7 brilliant ideas from fellow dog owners.

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