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Indoor Fun With Dogs

We actually call it 'being shy' but you would probably impress your friends better if you called it playing 'peek-a-boo' or something cute. This dog trick simply involves rewarding your dog for putting his paw on his nose. Here's how we taught our dog to play peek-a-boo on command.

If you've always thought that your dog would make a good therapy dog, here are some things to think about -- plus a listing of the requirements for dogs and owners to become volunteers and therapy dogs.

Social networking is all the rage -- even when it comes to finding friends of the four-legged kind! Thanks to Doggyspace, dogs and their owners have a place to gather online and share stories, videos, pictures, and more. I encourage you to check out this fun online community of dogs and dog owners.


The way to teach your dog some fun new tricks is to simply think about some things your dog does naturally without being asked. Then, give a specific 'command' to that behavior. From this point forward, whenever your dog does that behavior... call out that command. That's how you associate the behavior with the command. So, in the future, your dog will do this particular behavior on command.

We recently introduced the GoughNuts dog toy to our dog for the first time. Think of it as a 'doughnut' that dogs go nuts for. He immediately LOVED it!

Ebay is a great place to make a few bucks from 'slightly used' dog toys, doggie apparel, and other dog products. If you're not using it, why not sell it on eBay?

I always worry whenever friends or relatives come over, because I realize they're probably not used to finding dog fur on their clothes quite as often as we are. When you've got dogs, dog hair is just something you learn to live with -- day in and day out. It has a way of showing up in the strangest places... and this fun pillow acknowledges that!

Show some love to your favorite four-legged friend... your dog will surely enjoy one of these plush, heart-shaped dog beds!

If you know exactly what you want to buy for your dog at eBay, then you can go right to the pet category on Ebay and start there. Or, you can browse through all current dog auctions on eBay... fine-tune your search results... and go from there. There are PLENTY of great deals on dog stuff at eBay!!

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