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Fleas & Ticks On Dogs

I have Lyme Disease. My dog does not. Our vet thought this was odd, because dogs spend much more time closer to the ground and inevitably get a lot more tick bites than we do. Plus, 90% of the time we're outdoors, our dog is usually with us. ...I guess the tick preventative that our dogs have always worn -- Frontline Plus -- really DOES work!

Dogs can benefit from the healing and uplifting properties of aromatherapy, exactly as humans do! That's why pet aromatherapy is such a hot topic these days. Whether you've just got a moody dog, or you're dealing with some serious behavior issues, aromatherapy could be the perfect answer. Here's how to use aromatherapy with your dog...

Wondering what the differences are among all the different flea and tick preventatives on the market? I have firsthand experience using 3 of them -- Frontline Plus, K9 Advantix and Advantage -- and I review each of them here...

Each of our dogs has tried almost every variety of Nutro dog food that's available, and we keep coming back to Nutro Natural Choice Lamb & Rice as the favorite in our household. Here's why we love the Nutro dog food varieties.

Our American Eskimo dog is 15 years young and STILL going strong. But, truth be told, we thought he would have left this world ages ago. Here's what we've done so far that got him to be 105 in dog years...

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