Dog Care 101

See Which Are The Most Intelligent Dog Breeds… Also The Least Intelligent Dogs

the-intelligence-of-dogs.jpgDo you have the smartest dog in the world?

If yours is an Australian Cattle Dog, Rottweiler, Papillon, Labrador Retriever, Shetland Sheepdog, Doberman Pinscher, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Poodle, or Border Collie then you might!

Those are the most intelligent of all the dog breeds.

Supposedly, the above breeds require less than 5 repetitions (on average) before they understand a new command.

Better yet, they tend to obey commands 95% of the time the first time they hear ’em!

This is according to According to Stanley Coren, author of The Intelligence of Dogs, as reported here.

Here’s more about the intelligence of dogs… including a list of the least intelligent dog breeds.

 How smart is your dog? Find out here with these simple 5-minute tests for your dog.

More About The Intelligence Of Dogs