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Books For Dog Owners

Looking for the best dog gifts for yourself or a fellow dog lover? Here are 30+ clever gifts for dog owners. Helpful dog Christmas gifts they'll really use!

Dog Jealousy & Aggressive Dog Behavior - see how to stop your dog from being a bully to another dog, being possessive of you, or even being aggressive.

How many of the tricks on this list of 101 Best Dog Tricks can your dog do? Does your dog perform any cool tricks that AREN'T on the list? I honestly can't imagine any that have been left off this list!

Katz on Dogs is one of the best dog training books. It addresses all of the questions a new dog owner would have - whether it's your 1st dog or your 5th!


Whether you buy a dog house or build a dog house, there are lots of types, sizes & styles to choose from. Dog house ideas from practical, to fun, to fancy!

These 3 videos contain information that is helpful for new dog owners as well as lifelong dog owners -- like myself. I learned so much from these DVDs... and I've had dogs all my life! I predict these Cesar Millan DVDs will be a lifesaver for lots of dog owners -- especially those who have reached their peak level of frustration and don't know where else to turn.

Is yours the smartest dog in the world?... If it's an Australian Cattle Dog, Rottweiler, Papillon, Labrador Retriever, Shetland Sheepdog, Doberman Pinscher, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Poodle, or Border Collie then it might be! But not if you have a Shih Tzu, Basset Hound, Mastiff, Pekingese, Bloodhound, Borzoi, Chow Chow, Bulldog, Basenji, or an Afghan Hound.

Does your dog match your personality? Or complement it? It's said that Type A people usually do better with Type B dogs. Here's how to tell which type your dog is...

You've heard the controversy about feeding dogs raw food. Now, get the facts about dogs eating raw food... And, with the help of this book, get some of the best tips and recipes for feeding your dog the 'BARF' diet - Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods.

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