Toys & Activities

Fun Heart-Shaped Dog Beds

plush-pink-heart-dog-bed.jpgShow some love to your favorite four-legged friend.

Whether you’re looking for a Valentine gift for your dog, or just a cute accessory to add to your dog’s space, these heart-shaped dog beds are unique and fun.

Many of the following dog beds are hot pink, and they’re all so plush and cozy — filled with lots of love.

If this one-of-a-kind red rose petal dog bed is more luxury than you’re after right now, then check out the following fun dog beds.

They’re the perfect accent piece for any room of the house.

And they give your dog a unique place to hang out… a spot that’s all their own.

These dog beds are very cozy… filled with love… and have some fairly reasonable price tags.


Plush Heart-Shaped Pet Beds 

Your dog will definitely appreciate any one of these soft and plush heart-shaped dog beds:

pampered-pink-heart-pet-bed.jpg  leopard-heart-dog-bedpet-candy-striped-heart-dog-bed.jpg pink-plush-heart-shaped-bed.jpgred-black-moo-hearts-pet-bed.jpgheart-shape-dog-blanket heart-pattern-dog-bed plush-heart-dog-bed

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