Toys & Activities

How To Make Your Own DIY Dog Toys From Tennis Balls

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By Carrie

Thinking of buying your dog a new toy?

Why not make your own dog toys at home instead?

Following are several DIY dog toys that you can make using an everyday tennis ball!

For example:

  • A dog tug toy using a sock and a tennis ball.
  • A jingle bell dog ball using a tiny bell and a tennis ball.
  • A dog tug toy using a rope and a tennis ball.

The best thing about making your own dog toys is that it’s cheaper than buying them from the store.

And your dog will love you for it!

How To Make Dog Tennis Ball Toys

First, check out the written instructions for making the DIY dog toys using tennis balls mentioned above.

Next, this video shows you how to make all 3 of those dog toys — step by step:

Other DIY Dog Toys Using Tennis Balls

A Word About Dog Tennis Ball Dangers

I wouldn’t be a responsible pet parent if I didn’t caution you on these dog tennis ball dangers. They apply especially to larger dogs.

If your dog is big and he can wrap his jaws around a tennis ball (mine can), then you definitely need to heed the warnings.

On the other hand, if your dog is small and an entire tennis ball would never fit in your dog’s mouth, then you may also be interested in a DIY interactive dog treat toy made from a tennis ball!

Here are even more free and cheap dog toys you can make yourself.