Dog Walking Leashes & CollarsToys & Activities

WARNING: 2 Different Types Of Dog Collars Almost Strangled My Dog! Here’s Which Dog Collars Are Safe

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By Lynnette Walczak

This article is proof that the collar you choose for your dog matters. See which types of dog collars are safe… and which ones are not!

In this photo, you can see that Destin is leary of approaching 2 of his favorite toys because they are a little too close for comfort to the floor vent — which had “attacked” him the day before. (More on that in a minute.)

My dog really wants the ice AND the toy, but... he's nervous. See why. (It involves his dog collar!)

It’s strange to see Destin so timid like this, because he absolutely loves that green Ninja Turtle toy. He carries it around everywhere. Then he’ll drop it out of his mouth, watch wherever it bounces to, and retrieve it — just to do it all over again. This is how he regularly plays with that green Ninja toy. It’s definitely one of his favorites.

What makes this picture doubly noteworthy is the fact that he also loves ice cubes! Ice is almost better than real dog treats to Destin.

Despite his love for that green Ninja head and that ice cube that’s melting right before his eyes, Destin is too scared to get much closer in order to retrieve them.

Here’s why… 

Notice the brown floor vent?

These pictures were taken the day after Destin had a really unusual mishap with that floor vent.

This is the air conditioning vent that Destin got his tongue caught in while chasing a piece of ice on the floor.

Destin’s dog collar and ID tags got caught in that floor register!

How It Happened…

We were outside grilling when we suddenly heard a loud banging noise in the kitchen.

I ran inside and found our dog with that entire floor register attached to his head! (I couldn’t tell how, but it was.)

This made him start jerking his head back and forth trying to get the floor register off of him. As a result, the metal floor register kept banging into the wall, the floor-level cabinets, and a bench that we have near the door in the kitchen.

As it turned out, Destin’s dog ID tag (which dangles from his collar) is what got caught in between the slots in the floor vent.

This is the Nylon dog collar with plastic buckle that my dog was wearing when his dog ID tags got caught in the floor vent.

It must’ve happened when he leaned down to sniff at something on the floor near the vent — like a bug… or a piece of food… or whatever else caught his attention at the time. (The pictures above show how hesitant he is to get near that floor vent again — weeks after this horrific event!)

At first, I thought his tongue was caught in the floor register — because I immediately remembered the story of the dog that got its tongue caught in a paper shredder.

Luckily, Destin’s tongue was not involved.

It was simply his dog tag (attached to his collar) that had slipped in between the open vents of the floor register. And when he lifted his head up, the rectangular dog tag had turned slightly so it wouldn’t come back through the vent in the same way that it went in.

Unfortunately, Destin found himself entangled — at the neck — to an odd shaped, slightly heavy, metal floor register.

How pitifully sad it was to see our dog trapped in a situation that he couldn’t get himself out of. I’m glad I was there to calm him down and remove the floor register from his neck.

As soon as I realized what was happening, I was able to hold the floor register still while turning the dog tag just enough to slip it back through the slots in the vent.

He was free!

Yes, Dangling Dog Tags Can Pose A Danger

Dangling dog tags can get your dog strangled... here's how!

The next day (when I snapped the pictures above), I saw how differently Destin reacted as he got near that floor register again.

It reminded me of just how serious this situation was, and how damaging it could have been.

Imagine if no one was home at the time to free Destin from the floor register:

  • Some dogs might become so stressed out that they could panic and ultimately hyperventilate.
  • Other dogs might freak out and start charging through the house in an attempt to get away from it — all the while, blindly banging into everything that’s along the way.
  • If the dog went under a chair or around a stair banister or anything else with edges and protruding parts, such objects could “catch” on the protruding floor vent and, effectively, trap the dog.
  • Worst of all, any one of these scenarios could cause the collar itself to become tightened around the dog’s neck — and the dog could ultimately suffocate.

Don’t get me wrong, I realize that these are all highly unpredictable worse-case scenarios, but they are indeed things that could actually happen.

My aim here is simply to remind you, as a fellow dog lover, to pay attention to your dog’s world and all of the things that are at your dog’s eye level.

Your dog could — accidentally or on purpose — interact with anything in his path and cause injury or harm to himself or others.

Another Close Call We Had With A Different Type Of Dog Collar…

Similar to this floor register incident, Destin later experienced another scary incident involving his dog collar.

This time, it was when he was wearing a different type of collar:

This is the part slip collar / part martingale collar that I USED to use with my dogs. NOT ANY MORE! See why...

A collar like the one pictured here is part slip collar and part Martingale collar. Both of those types of dog collars were recommended to me by a dog trainer (back in the day). So I thought, “Why not have the best of both worlds by using a dog collar that combines both into one?” Well… now I know better!

Here’s a good article about Martingale dog collars + Tips to ensure that it fits your dog properly.

The biggest downside to the part nylon / part chain type of dog collar pictured above — like the one I owned — is the fact that they hang looser around the dog’s neck (almost like a “necklace”), rather than remaining up close around the dogs neck at all times. This, of course, is a good thing for the dog’s comfort level — but not necessarily for the dog’s safety.

What I liked best about this type of dog collar (at the time) was:

A Jeep Ride Gone Wrong

So, let’s get to the point of the story…

I was riding around in our Jeep Wrangler one day. Destin was buckled into the rear seatbelt, wearing a dog harness and his part chain / part nylon dog collar.

When I glanced in the rearview mirror, I noticed that he was “caught” in some way near the rear window of the Jeep.

My dog Destin looking out the back window of the Jeep Wrangler. You can't see in this picture, but he's also wearing his normal dog collar.

Terrified, I immediately pulled over and checked to see what was going on.

The metal loop on Destin’s collar had gotten hung up on a 1-inch metal piece that holds the Jeep soft top in place. It’s not sharp, but it “juts out” a bit — and my dog’s collar momentarily got caught on it!

When I noticed it, he was just starting to panic a bit, and he was tugging hard to pull away from whatever had his neck. He was silent, and he didn’t have much room to thrash around — so it wasn’t very obvious to me that something was wrong.

Had I not removed his dog collar from that Jeep part myself, Destin could have strangled himself — especially since it was a choke-chain type of collar that he was wearing at the time. (Again, we don’t use these types of dog collars anymore.)

MUST READ: Dog Collars Can Strangle Dogs While Playing

Two Takeaways From These Dog Collar Mishaps

#1 – Choose a dog collar without any loops or loose, open areas around your dog’s neck that could catch on things (Or, use a breakaway collar for dogs.)

#2 – Choose a slide-on dog ID tag that doesn’t dangle from the collar itself. (Or, use a breakaway collar with traditional dog tags.)

Rabies Tags Are NOT Required

By the way, did you know that you don’t HAVE to attach your dog’s rabies tag to your dog’s collar? I haven’t for years — because I can’t stand the jingle jangle noise all day long whenever my dog moves around. (I work from home.)

So yes, the rabies vaccination is required in most states. But the rabies tag itself is not.

My veterinarian said that he legally has to give me the rabies tag — and charge me $1.50 for it each time. (Even though we get the 3-year rabies shot.)

The vet also said that we really only need to show the paperwork itself if there’s ever a question — or when boarding, traveling, etc. You don’t actually need the rabies tag itself. The rabies tag just makes it easier for someone who FINDS your dog to know that your dog has had the rabies vaccination — because the certificate number is imprinted on that tag. 

Safer Types Of Dog Collars & Dog ID Tags

Here are a few good examples of dog collars and pet ID tags that are safer than most

# 1 – Slide-On Dog ID Tags – there’s NO dangling dog ID tag at all!

This type of slide-on dog tag by Pawnimals fits almost every type of dog collar out there, thanks to the thick silicone ends that stretch enough to slide easily onto whatever dog collar you’re currently using.

This type of slide-on dog tag by Pawnimals fits almost every type of dog collar out there!

Another type of slide-on dog tag is sold with the dog collar by GoTags They’re perfectly paired so the flat dog tag fits nicely on the collar and should last a lifetime.  

This type of slide-on dog tag is sold with the dog collar by GoTags They're perfectly paired so the flat dog tag fits nicely on the collar and should last a lifetime.

My favorite part about the slide-on dog ID tags is the fact that they’re SILENT! There’s no jingle-jangle noise at all when your dog is shaking its head, walking through the house, or on a leash walk.

#2 – Custom Embroidered Dog Collars – these are a dog collar and pet ID tag all in one!

By far, the most popular on Amazon is this embroidered dog ID collar by GoTags:

GoTags is a leader in the personalized dog ID tags and collars industry. This is their embroidered dog ID collar.

If you want the dog’s name and phone number to be a little less obvious, Pawblefy makes a high-quality, more subtle personalized dog collar — and it’s reflective:

Pawblefy makes a high-quality, more subtle personalized dog collar -- and it's reflective:

If you want a HIGHLY reflective option AND a metal buckle, then Suncliff’s personalized dog collar is for you:

Suncliff's personalized dog collars are  HIGHLY reflective AND have metal buckles!

If solid colors aren’t your thing… Moonpet makes microfiber dog collars with stainless steel nameplate buckles in a multitude of color choices:

Moonpet makes microfiber dog collars with stainless steel nameplate buckles in a multitude of color choices!

#3 – Leather Engraved Dog ID Collars – take your dog accessory game to the next level without spending more!

This engraved leather custom ID dog collar by the Custom Catch Store is super classy:

The Custom Catch Store makes these super-cute engraved leather custom ID dog collars!

Or, you can go back to the old school, classic look with this SOFT leather option with customizable nameplate by Express Pencils:

You can go back to the old school, classic look with this SOFT leather option with customizable nameplate by Express Pencils.

#4 – Breakaway Quick-Release Dog Collars – when this collar gets caught on something, it “breaks” apart!

Breakaway dog collars by PetSafe prevent dog strangulation by “unbuckling” themselves whenever pressure is applied to the collar. They’re great for those who want their dog to wear ID tags at all times — when home alone, on walks, in the car, etc. This includes times when you might not have your eyes on your dog.

This is a breakaway dog collar by PetSafe. It prevents dog strangulation by "unbuckling" itself whenever pressure is applied to the collar.

The collar automatically “releases” from your dog’s neck if it should happen to get caught on something.

The collar will also “break apart” if your dog’s tags (any style that you choose to attach to the collar) should get caught on something.

I have one of these and I use it with my extremely mischievous puppy! He gets into EVERYTHING, and when he finds a way to break free from the yard (or from us), he’s OFF running aimlessly through the neighborhood.

NOTE: When a breakaway collar is attached to your dog’s leash (using the 2 D-rings on the collar itself), it will NOT automatically unbuckle itself under any circumstances. This is a great feature for times that you are in full control of your dog — like on a walk.

#5 – EzyDog Convert Harness – As far as dog harnesses go, this one’s been on my Wish List for awhile now.

This Ezydog Convert Harness has been on my wishlist for a long time. You can even attach dog saddle bags to it!

I’d use it when hiking, long neighborhood walks, and on car rides. I like how super-durable it is. Plus, I’m not crazy about leading a dog around by its neck all the time. The traffic handle on this dog harness is a HUGE bonus! And… are you ready for it?… You can attach dog saddle bags to it! There are lots of other dog harnesses with handles, but the EzyDog harness has been consistently highly rated for many MANY years.

I’m very familiar with EzyDog’s high-quality products. I’ve used their Cujo shock-absorbing dog leash for years — and with many different dogs! I really like its clever and unique features.

They also have an EzyDog shock-absorbing dog harness that is easily adjustable for a super-quick fit. This makes no-pull leash walking a breeze.

And I LOVE the EzyDog Zero Shock Dog Leash because it’s extra-long (72 inches) with shock absorption built-in.

EzyDog is a company that I’ve always kept my eye on. They are ALWAYS coming out with newer, better, more innovative dog products — with our dogs’ safety in mind!

More Ways To Make Your Dog’s World Safer

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