Dog Toys Games & Enrichment

This is where you’ll find our favorite durable dog toys, fun dog games, challenging dog puzzles, and other interactive gadgets & activities that will keep your dog from getting bored — indoors, outside, and when traveling. Great ideas to keep your dog active… and happy. Plus lots of fun ways for you and your dog to spend time together!

Have you considered dog color vision when buying dog toys? The best color for dog toys is blue or yellow. The dog toy color to avoid is red, orange, green.

Most people are not aware of the fact that tennis balls can actually be dangerous to dogs. The danger is that when playing fetch with your dog, the ball could get stuck in your dog's throat when he catches it.

We recently introduced the GoughNuts dog toy to our dog for the first time. Think of it as a 'doughnut' that dogs go nuts for. He immediately LOVED it!

There's no doubt about it, our dogs have gotten years of enjoyment out of Kong toys. We currently own 16 of 'em! And we, in return, have gotten a lot of peace & and quiet -- and content dogs -- thanks to Kongs!

How smart is your dog? Have you ever 'tested' your pet in order to obtain some kind of measure of your dog's intelligence level? Now you can. Here are 7 quick & easy tests that you can do with your dog to see how 'smart' your pet is. They're FUN, too!

Maybe your dog needs to get a bit more exercise these days, but he doesn't really enjoy playing with toys... Maybe you're trying to get your dog 'ready' for agility training... Maybe you just want to find a new way to interact with your dog by incorporating something FUN into his daily routine... Whatever your motivation, here's how to get your dog interested in a brand new toy -- to the extent that he will do almost anything to be able to play with that toy.

We've tried both the Buster Cube and the Kong toy. Both dispense treats as your dog plays with 'em. Here are pros & cons of the dog Buster Cube vs Kong toys

Kong toys are the best dog toys... ever! They serve double-duty, as a chew toy, and as a treat-dispenser. Here's a listing of the best things about Kong dog toys, and why every dog owner should have one -- or 4! Kong chew toys for your dog.