Health & Wellness

Have a sick dog or a specific dog health question? Dog moms and experts share their personal and professional experiences with dog health issues. Lots of home remedies and tips from veterinarians to help your dog get better… fast! Your dog’s overall health and wellness depends 100% on you. Check these important warnings and updates that could affect your dog. Plus a slew of dangerous pet predicaments to avoid at all costs! Not sure where to begin

Start here –> Dog Health & Safety 101.


Local laws dictate what to do if you hit someone's pet with your car. Most people don't know the law. Here's what you MUST do if you hit a dog with your car

My dog has cancer. Actually, I've had 2 dogs with 2 types of canine cancer. The most recent has canine lung cancer -- but he's happy & healthy 2 years after following a holistic cancer treatment for dogs. See the supplements for dogs with cancer that I've used + The dog cancer diet he eats daily.

Knowing the symptoms of dog bloat could actually save your dog's life -- because bloat comes on quickly and can kill a dog within hours if left untreated. Here's what you need to know about the signs of bloat in dogs, risk factors that predispose your dog to getting bloat, and tips for preventing bloat in dogs.

My dog scratched all the time due to dog food allergies. Here's how to conduct your own affordable dog food trial and avoid a giant vet bill!

Thousands of dogs get canine parvovirus each year. Of those, 15% will die. Without treatment, 100% will die. What you need to know about dog parvo disease: the symptoms of parvo, how it's spread, and the treatment for parvo.

Is pet insurance a good idea or not? Well, maybe. But I can make a case for simply having a pet health savings account instead. Here's what you need to know about pet health insurance, pet insurance companies, and tips before you buy dog health insurance.

Hotspots on dogs can quickly spiral out of control if you don't treat them right away. Here's the dog hot spot treatment that my vet recommended. It worked!

Thinking of giving your dog Glucosamine or Chondroitin supplements? My dog gets them daily Here's what I've learned about Chondroitin & Glucosamine for dogs.