It’s funny how we don’t often think of dogs as having allergies, but just like us they can suffer from allergic reactions to different things.
Dogs can have allergies just like a person can. In fact, many dogs have many of the exact same allergies as people do.
Symptoms Of Dog Allergies
Dog allergies come with some really nasty dog allergy symptoms including (but not limited to):
- Itchy skin
- Hot spots (where the dog has scratched himself raw)
- Watery, itchy red eyes
- Smelly discharge from the ears
- Biting the toes and between them
- Rubbing of the head and ears
- Some dogs even swell up when they get bitten by a flea.
Most Common Dog Allergies
These are the 4 main types of allergies in dogs:
#1 – Dog food allergies
Many dogs are allergic to the additives and preservatives found in commercial dog food believe it or not. But they can also be allergic to regular food items such as beef, chicken, eggs, corn, soy, dairy products and even wheat.
Dogs that have food allergies most commonly suffer from symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea when they’re allergic to a food item. Because a food item takes several weeks to really get into a dog’s system, it can be difficult to figure out which your food your dog is allergic to.
In many cases, a diet of homemade dog food is suggested, and if the dog tolerates it well, then foods can gradually be added back into your dog’s diet until you can pinpoint which one he is allergic too.
Here’s how to do conduct a cheap food trial for dog food allergies.
Any dog can suffer from canine allergies, of any type. But some breeds just seem to be genetically predisposed to being ‘allergic’, especially to food ingredients. A few of these breeds are:
- Terriers
- Bulldogs
- Schnauzers
- Labrador Retrievers
- Golden Retrievers
#2 – Dog flea allergies
For most pet owners, dealing with fleas when you have a dog is a fact of life. It would never occur to many of us that our dog might actually be allergic to the little buggers. But, believe it or not, many dogs are allergic to fleas.
Symptoms that a dog is allergic to fleas include: biting and scratching of the areas around the tail, the hind legs, and the abdominal area.
There is a simple skin test that your vet can perform in order to determine if your dog is allergic to fleas or not. Your vet can also prescribe allergy medications to help with your dog’s allergy symptoms, and help you get a strict flea eradication program started.
#3 – Dog skin allergies
Skin allergies are probably the easiest to spot because you will notice your dog scratching, itching and licking at different parts of his body. He may even develop hot red spots where he has scratched certain areas raw.
If a dog is going to have skin allergies, he will develop them early on, rather than later in his life. So if your dog has never exhibited these symptoms as a young puppy and is just now exhibiting them, then it may not be skin allergies after all.
You should take your dog to the vet to determine what it is that your dog is allergic to and what treatment he needs.
Just as with some people, your dog can suffer from these types of allergies year round. It depends on the offender as to when the dog will be suffering.
If your dog is allergic to grass or tree pollen, then he will probably only be suffering from allergies during the Spring and Summer. However, if your dog is allergic to dust and or mold, then it is most likely he will suffer from allergies year round.
While humans usual
ly show respiratory symptoms with inhalant allergies, dogs almost always show allergic reactions through their skin.
Female dogs are more likely to suffer from inhalant allergies than male dogs. And certain breeds are more susceptible to inhalant allergies, including:
- Irish Setters
- Boston Terriers
- Scottish Terriers
- Schnauzers
Symptoms of inhalant allergies include: itchy, water eyes, itchy skin, and licking of the paws.
Dog Allergies Treatment
In the end, the more you understand the 4 main types of allergies that dogs are most likely to suffer from the better you will be able to help your dog get the help he needs so he doesn’t have suffer needlessly.
This video highlights some of the things you can do to treat your dog’s allergies: