Dog Care 101

Abandoned Dogs Left Behind In Home Foreclosures

abandoned-puppy-by-hfrs.jpg If you have a good stable home and are considering getting a dog (or perhaps a second or third dog), now is a great time to find an abundance of dogs at rescue shelters. Apparently, our struggling economy and the increasing number of home foreclosures have left many dogs homeless.

As people are losing their homes and moving into rental apartments, many are also leaving their dogs behind.  Some leave their dogs due to the fact that pets are not allowed in their new living arrangements.  Others leave their dogs because they can no longer afford to take care of them.

Regardless of the reason people leave dogs behind, it is a fact that pets are the newest and probably most unfortunate victims of the foreclosure crisis. Fortunately, the lucky ones make their way into the animal shelters.

According to the Active Rain Real Estate Network:

Foreclosure dogs are becoming big news.  Man’s best friend is quickly becoming an expendable commodity to some as people are losing their homes to the credit crunch.  Regardless of what the circumstances were for the foreclosure, it’s not the pet’s fault, and now many of them are finding themselves facing euthanization.

dog-drinking-water-from-puddle-by-costi.jpgUSA Today reports that “The first people to enter an abandoned house, such as property inspectors and real estate brokers, have discovered dogs tied to trees in backyards, cats in garages, and turtles, rabbits and lizards in children’s bedrooms.”  They have also found pets, in such bad conditions that they could not be saved.

This is why, if you see a dog in your future, you might want to consider adopting a rescue dog.

Some of the reasons rescue dogs make great pets:

  • they’re already housebroken
  • they become instant companions
  • you can avoid many problems typical with puppies like chewing things and nipping people

Check out these 10 Reasons To Consider A Rescue Dog.

Sure, some abandoned dogs may be more needy than your average pet. But the fact that you can save the life of a pet that’s destined to be euthanized, you can get the pet for a bargain price, and you can help an animal in need will likely outweigh any extra effort you might put forth.

Top 5 Reasons To Adopt A Needy Pet

dog_photo_public_domain.jpg Hopefully, the next time you’re interested in getting a dog you will consider picking your pet from a rescue shelter.  But please do some homework first to ensure that your new dog doesn’t end up back at the shelter in a few months.

For starters, check out the Humane Society’s things to consider before you run out and get a new dog.  Two of the most important of these tips are:

  • considering the real cost of owning a pet — from food to medical care; and
  • having suitable living arrangements for the long run.

My guess, these are some of the things that the dog’s original owner probably did not take into consideration.

Here are some tips for keeping your pet when times get tough, plus No Paws Left Behind may be able to help you.