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Pet Hair And Shedding

Looking for the best dog gifts for yourself or a fellow dog lover? Here are 30+ clever gifts for dog owners. Helpful dog Christmas gifts they'll really use!

Have a smelly dog? I had a stinky dog too til I figured out which home remedies worked (and which didn't). The best dog odor remedies to remove dog smell.

Have an allergic reaction to dogs, dog hair, or saliva? A Hypoallergenic Dogs List of non-shedding & non-drooling dogs perfect for those with pet allergies!

Hairy dog paws! Does your dog have fur that grows on top of the paws, between the toes, and underneath on the paw pads? I'll show you how & WHY to trim it!

If your dog has fleas, YOU do too. Fleas on dogs jump into the nooks & crannies in a home. Our best flea treatment for dogs + A natural flea repellent for dogs.

Want to dye your dog's fur a different color? The safest dog hair dye is food coloring (juice from colorful foods or organic food coloring). Here's how to do it

A pet brush that works great on ALL dogs is the Furminator deShedding tool. I've used the Furminator for dogs since 2008. My Furminator dog brush review.

I use the iBuddy dog cargo cover / dog car hammock to protect my SUV from dog fur, drool, toenail marks. See how I also use it as a dog cargo kennel -- and why I love it!

Everything you need to know about Shih Tzu grooming: how often to do it, Pro vs DIY grooming costs, Shih Tzu grooming tools & Shihtzu grooming issues: tear staining, shedding, eye infections, and ear infections.

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