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Springtime Fun For Dogs

Which dog parks rank as the best ones in the USA? The top 10 dog parks in America each year. Tips before taking your dog to a dog park for the first time.

When a dog's gotta go, a dog's gotta go! Sometimes it's necessary to let the dog outside even when it's raining. Here are all my best tips for dogs with muddy paws & smelly fur.

Here's a silly story about two dogs who organized their own Easter Egg Hunt... complete with real-life bunnies and chocolate Easter eggs hidden in the grass. In other words... how two dogs terrorized a family of rabbits in our backyard and munched on rabbit poo for a week!

Here are some funny pictures of dogs celebrating Mardi Gras-- I mean Muddi Gras -- by getting dirty and playing in the mud! Plus the BEST tips for dealing with muddy paws... 7 brilliant ideas from fellow dog owners.