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Springtime Fun For Dogs

How do you mentally stimulate a dog? Here are fun ways to challenge dogs & keep them from getting bored! Homemade brain games + DIY dog games and activities

21 fun places you can take your dog - for an afternoon, a weekend, or on vacation. From drive-thru's that hand out dog treats to dog summer camps!

Our dog found a rabbit hole in our backyard. His attention couldn't be diverted away from the bunnies until the last one left the nest. Photos of dogs & bunnies.

I’ve researched the 27 cities and 20 states that appear on 5 lists of dog friendly cities to help you decide if you want to move or travel there with your dog!

Stuck at home? Can't go outside? Here's how to get organized AND save money while spending quality time with your dog at the same time!

Want to dye your dog's fur a different color? The safest dog hair dye is food coloring (juice from colorful foods or organic food coloring). Here's how to do it

Dogs are just as likely to suffer from allergies as people are. A dog's immune system reacts much like a human's immune system does. Here's what to look for to help you determine if your dog is suffering from allergies or not. If so, you'll want to get your dog to the vet immediately.

Our dogs love to chew on sticks. Much like they like to snap open the shells of peanuts and spit out the crumbs. Here's a little story about one of our dog's and his personal mission to de-shrub our backyard!

Just in time for Easter, they told us about these great doggie treats from the Kool Dog Kafe. They have 2-day shipping... there's still time to get your doggie Easter treats!

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