Looking for the best dog gifts for yourself or a fellow dog lover? Here are 30+ clever gifts for dog owners. Helpful dog Christmas gifts they'll really use!
Have a senior dog? Here are the most common health problems in older dogs that you need to be aware of. How to prepare for your senior dog’s final years healthwise.
Dog have itchy smelly ears? Like most dogs with floppy ears, our dog gets ear infections. Here's the dog ear infection remedy our vet recommended. It worked!
Everything you need to know about Shih Tzu grooming: how often to do it, Pro vs DIY grooming costs, Shih Tzu grooming tools & Shihtzu grooming issues: tear staining, shedding, eye infections, and ear infections.
When around a loud noise that is bother some to you keep in mind of your dogs hearing. Dogs hearing can also be seriously affected by repetitive loud noises. Here's what you need to know to protect your dog's ears.
Is your dog scratching or tugging at his ears? Does your dog need to have his ears cleaned? This video shows how to clean your dog's ears. Plus tips for treating a dog's itchy ears.