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Diarrhea In Dogs & Poop Issues

All natural dog food is best, however, there are still some advantages and disadvantages -- as with anything. Your biggest decision will be should you use store-bought natural dog food or make homemade natural dog food for your pet?

Time for some new dog waste bags & a dog poop bag dispenser? The poop bags are easy. But finding a dog poop bag holder that you like is tricky. I found it!

Did you know that you don't always have to take your dog to the vet in order to get a veterinarian's diagnosis -- and maybe even meds -- for your dog's minor health issues? It's true. With any non-emergency doggie ailment, you generally have 3 options.

If your dog is showing a particular symptom or dealing with a doggie ailment, then anything you can show the vet that might be related to 'the problem' will usually be helpful when it comes to diagnosing and/or treating your pet. Here's when you should take samples to the vet... what type of samples to take... and how to gather & transport your samples -- like dog pee or poop.

There are a few things that I always have on me any time I'm out & about with my dog. I take different things, depending on whether we're going for a walk vs going for a ride in the car. Here's what we take...

Check out these funny videos of dogs scooting their butts on the carpet. Hey, it's only natural!

Another popular thing that people do with dog poo is Recycle it! Here are instructions to build your own doggie waste compost for use in your backyard.

Need some reasons to pick up poop? Here's a whole list of health reasons & why it's important to pick up your dog's poop! Plus, tips that make picking up dog poop even easier.

Here's how to politely tell your neighbors that you want your yard to remain poop free. Fun dog poop signs for your yard, flower beds, and landscaped areas.

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