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Diarrhea In Dogs & Poop Issues

Thousands of dogs get canine parvovirus each year. Of those, 15% will die. Without treatment, 100% will die. What you need to know about dog parvo disease: the symptoms of parvo, how it's spread, and the treatment for parvo.

Struggling with a bad case of dog diarrhea? I used to work at a vet. I've learned a few home remedies for dog diarrhea + When you REALLY need to call the vet

Get answers to your dog questions right away -- online -- from verified pet experts. What's your dog question?

Dog Diarrhea Causes - It's not always so easy to find out what's causing diarrhea in dogs. Here are the top reasons a dog has diarrhea.

Does your dog have diarrhea? The best dog diarrhea treatment you can try at home involves feeding your dog a bland diet + anti-diarrhea medicines that are safe for dogs.

Not sure of what symptoms can be considered life threatening to your dog? Here are some symptoms to watch out for. Also looking for a mobile vet.

Dogs are just as likely to suffer from allergies as people are. A dog's immune system reacts much like a human's immune system does. Here's what to look for to help you determine if your dog is suffering from allergies or not. If so, you'll want to get your dog to the vet immediately.

My dog ate river stones and 2 of them got stuck in his intestines! He survived the operation, and my wallet survived the $1000 bill. Here's what you should do if you think your dog ate some rocks, stones, or pebbles.

Personally, I can come up with a couple of reasons as to why I wouldn't feed a dog raw food. Basically, they are the same reasons I wouldn't feed raw food to a person. Here's why a lot of dog owners are feeding their dogs the BARF diet -- raw food and bones.