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Death And Dying In Dogs

How do veterinarians euthanize a dog? What's the process like? I've had 2 dogs put to sleep recently - here's what it was like. From the perspective of someone who's been through it several times with her own dogs and who's also learned a lot while working in a vet's office.

Preparing for the death of a pet isn't easy, but time with your aging dog is dwindling. That day WILL come. Here's how to plan now for your dog's last days.

My dog ate Advil. Dogs and Ibuprofen don't mix - so I knew it was important to treat this right away! Here's what I've learned about Ibuprofen toxicity in dogs.

Have a senior dog? Here are the most common health problems in older dogs that you need to be aware of. How to prepare for your senior dog’s final years healthwise.

Wondering how to get help with vet bills? The Brown Dog Foundation is my favorite in TN. See this list of organizations that help pay vet bills by state.

According to veterinarians, when is it time to euthanize a dog? I worked for vet AND had 2 of my own dogs put to sleep recently. I can help you get through this difficult time.

My dog has cancer. Actually, I've had 2 dogs with 2 types of canine cancer. The most recent has canine lung cancer -- but he's happy & healthy 2 years after following a holistic cancer treatment for dogs. See the supplements for dogs with cancer that I've used + The dog cancer diet he eats daily.

Knowing the symptoms of dog bloat could actually save your dog's life -- because bloat comes on quickly and can kill a dog within hours if left untreated. Here's what you need to know about the signs of bloat in dogs, risk factors that predispose your dog to getting bloat, and tips for preventing bloat in dogs.

Thousands of dogs get canine parvovirus each year. Of those, 15% will die. Without treatment, 100% will die. What you need to know about dog parvo disease: the symptoms of parvo, how it's spread, and the treatment for parvo.

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