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Dating & Weddings With Dogs

Do you love your dog?... Do you love your dog enough to marry him -- or her? Lots of people have married their pets... here's the latest buzz about pet weddings.

If you've always thought that your dog would make a good therapy dog, here are some things to think about -- plus a listing of the requirements for dogs and owners to become volunteers and therapy dogs.

Social networking is all the rage -- even when it comes to finding friends of the four-legged kind! Thanks to Doggyspace, dogs and their owners have a place to gather online and share stories, videos, pictures, and more. I encourage you to check out this fun online community of dogs and dog owners.

Ever wonder what dogs would do different if they ruled the world? Here's how a dog sees life and recommendations from a big dog to a little dog at 'Dog School'.

If you've got a dog and you're single, are you taking full advantage of all the opportunities for you to find dates? Yep, your dog could help you get dates... Here's how.