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Good News: Auto Insurance Covers Pets Injured In Car Accidents!

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By Regina

dog-in-car-by-T-Winberg-L-Mednis.jpg The latest trend in pet insurance is to insure your pet on your regular auto insurance policy.

Yes, dogs and cats are now covered by most car insurance companies — at no extra cost to you, the pet owner — should they be injured in an auto accident!

Well… almost.

While it is true that many car insurance companies will cover vet bills associated with car accidents, there are a few "catches". So, if you’re not careful to read the fine print, you could easily get tripped up.

Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting car insurance that covers your pets

Read The Fine Print

Pet injury coverage is typically included in the "collision coverage" you have on your standard auto insurance policy — with these caveats:

1. Most car insurance companies will only cover cats and dogs. So, if you happen to transport other types of pets (iguanas, birds, snakes, etc.) in your vehicle, and they are injured — or killed — in a car accident, your car insurance will not cover them.

2. They will not cover injuries to your dog if the accident was your fault. So, if you caused the accident then your pet’s injuries are not covered. However, all is not lost in this case:

If the accident wasn’t your fault, the other driver’s insurance will most likely cover your pet with its property damage liability (PD) coverage." Source

3. Finally, you will need to be able to actually prove to your insurance company that the accident was not your fault before they will cover your dog’s vet bills ($500 max). Meaning, they will need a copy of the official police accident report stating that you were not at fault before they will cover any bills related to your pet’s injuries.


Should You Switch Your Auto Insurance Carrier?

Now, at this point you may be wondering if it’s even worth it to look into car insurance companies that cover injuries to your dog. Interestingly enough, it really is.

The reason? Because while most car insurance companies do cover pets, if the accident is not your fault, then there is only one company that will cover your dog’s injuries from a car accident regardless of who is at fault for the accident. That company is Progressive.

In fact, they are the only company that covers your dog’s injuries, no matter who is at fault. However, there are still a few things to be aware of:

  • Progressive will only cover cats and dogs that are injured in a car accident you are involved in.

  • They will only cover up to $500 of your dog’s vet bills that are associated with the accident.

The good news though is this is actually part of Progressive’s collision coverage for all drivers, and your pet is covered — at no extra cost to you.

Presently, Progressive has a monopoly in this arena because they are the only car insurance company that will cover injuries to your dog or cat no matter who is at fault for the accident. Hopefully, in the very near future, all car insurance companies will begin covering all pets no matter their species, and no matter who is at fault for the accident. But until that day comes, Progressive appears to be the best choice for auto insurance that also covers your pet.

More about Progressive’s Pet Injury Coverage.

Farmer’s Insurance Group becomes Second Auto Insurer To Cover Pets