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Curtis Carper

I’ve been involved in RVing for 50 years now -- including camping, building, repairing, and even selling RVs. I’ve owned, used, and repaired almost every class and style of RV ever made. I do all of my own repair work. My other interests include cooking, living with an aging dog, and dealing with diabetic issues. If you can combine a grease monkey with a computer geek, throw in a touch of information nut and organization freak, combined with a little bit of storyteller, you've got a good idea of who I am.

Dog vitamins aren't just for senior dogs. Vitamins should be given throughout your dog's life in order to ensure that his senior years are just as healthy and active as his puppy years were. Here are the vitamins & supplements that are best for dogs.

PetSafe products are but one small portion of a large family of pet containment products made by the Radio Systems Corporation. Other brand names that fall under the same company are: Guardian, Innotek, SportDog, StayWell, and Invisible Fence.

If you're a dog owner, then you should do everything in your power to learn dog CPR, so you will be prepared in the event of an emergency. Here's how to do pet CPR in an attempt to save your dog's life if he starts choking or stops breathing.

My Pomeranian/Yorkie dog is 18 years old and he's lost all of his teeth. Here's how we got through the painful periods when he was losing his teeth and having difficulty eating. Plus tips for caring for a dog with no teeth.

There are a bunch of great products available to make summertime even enjoyable for our furry friends. Some of these are just for fun, while others will help your dog stay more comfortable during the high temperatures.

It's important to keep your dog's health and safety high in the forefront, so summertime will be a fun time, rather than a tragic time for your dog. Following are some things to watch out for this summer, in order to make sure that your dog is around to enjoy many long hot summers for years to come.

Our aging dog is still in reasonably good health and not suffering from many aches and pains, but his navigational skills have been reduced to what he can smell. With doggie cataracts and acute hearing loss that has eliminated most of our ability to communicate with him, he still seems to get around the house with little trouble.

Does your dog look like he's chasing something in his sleep? Funny isn't it? Be careful, it could be something far more serious. Here's what you need to know about dogs when they're dreaming... or sleep walking!

As dogs age, they face the same physical problems that most elderly people find themselves dealing with, including incontinence. Our 18-year-old dog, Rascal, is no exception. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to help maintain your sanity when you have an incontinent dog...

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