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Outdoor Fun With Dogs

Here's how to politely tell your neighbors that you want your yard to remain poop free. Fun dog poop signs for your yard, flower beds, and landscaped areas.

Playing fetch with your dog? What do you do when your dog loves to play with a ball, but he won't give the ball up in a game of catch? Here's a quick trick that works every time: use 2 balls!

Here's a great dog stunt... for anyone who's daring enough to try it with their own dog!

Use this dog beach guide to find the best dog beaches all across the U.S. If you'll be traveling with your dog, one of these dog-friendly beaches might be near your destination!

We taught our dogs to 'shake' their fur on command. This is great whenever they're wet after a bath or a walk in the rain, or after a doggie roll on the ground where his fur has collected bits of everything that was in the grass. Here's how we taught our dogs to 'shake'...

Which dog parks rank as the best ones in the USA? The top 10 dog parks in America each year. Tips before taking your dog to a dog park for the first time.

When a dog's gotta go, a dog's gotta go! Sometimes it's necessary to let the dog outside even when it's raining. Here are all my best tips for dogs with muddy paws & smelly fur.

If picking up your dog's waste every time makes you queasy, then Poop Freeze is for you! This revolutionary spray freezes the dog poop in 10 seconds, making clean-up a breeze. Here's more...

If your dog has an injury that requires bandages or a cast, then you need to keep that area completely dry. DIY waterproof cast covers & dog cast protectors

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