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Raising Two Or More Dogs

Dealing with dog aggression issues? Me too! We went from 2 dogs to 3 dogs. The middle dog immediately was aggressive with the new puppy. My tips for adding another dog into your family.

Do you already have one dog in your house? Thinking of adding a second dog to your family pack? Here's how to properly introduce the two dogs BEFORE you bring the new dog home.

There are lots of reasons that two dogs make sense, but there are also some pitfalls.One of those is dog training! Here are some helpful tips when training two dogs in one household.

Who is really the boss in your home... You, or your dog? If you've got more than one dog, which one is the top dog? You need to know this...

Sometimes you need a way to temporarily separate two or more dogs inside your home. Other times, you may just need to keep one dog out of a particular room or prevent him from going up or down stairs for awhile. If you'd like to give your dogs some freedom, yet restrict where they can roam in your house, the Evenflo baby gate might be the answer.

Here's an update on our new puppy, now 4 months old. He's a black lab-great pyrenees mix. Here are a ton of pictures of the puppy (Tenor), and his big brother, Destin -- also a black lab mix.

Things you need to consider before bringing ANOTHER dog home. Because raising two dogs together comes with its own unique challenges. Been there, done that!

What should you do when an overly protective older dog goes too far in his role as Alpha dog? Sometimes the leader of the pack needs to learn a few things himself!

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